Study in Newzealand

New Zealand’s academic institutions are celebrated for their innovative teaching methods, research excellence, and student-centric approach. Whether you’re aiming for the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago, or the University of Canterbury, AMC GLOBLE is here to guide you through every step of the process to ensure a successful application.

i.   Application Fee: NZD 330

i.   Tuition Fee (Bachelor): NZD 20,000 to NZD 35,000 per year.

ii.  Tuition Fee (Master): NZD 22,000 to NZD 40,000 per year.

iii. Estimated Living Expenses: NZD 15000 - 20000 Per Year

iv. Health Insurance: NZD 200-700 Per Year

NOTE: Tuition Fee will vary depending upon the University.
i.     Business and Management

ii.    Engineering and Technology

iii.   Health and Medicine

iv.   Arts and Humanities

v.    Social Sciences

vi.   Natural Sciences

vii.  Education

viii. Design and Creative Arts

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