To move from studying to obtaining a Permanent Residency (PR), follow these four basic steps:
Enroll in a trade course that will prepare you for a job on the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL).
485 visa (Graduate Work)- The Graduate Visa is an 18-month visa given to international students who have completed two academic years of study in Australia.
Complete the 12 month Job Ready Program (JRP) through TRA while on the 485 visa. It is intended for overseas student graduates who have an Australian qualification issued by a CRICOS recognised training organisation based on their studies in Australia and can lead to a positive skills evaluation.
Following a positive skills assessment, you may be eligible for the TSS 482 visa, 491 Regional Skilled visa, 494 Employer Sponsored Regional visa, and other Skilled visas if you have enough points (189 and 190 visa).
Australian migration is a very complex process so it is always advised to consult with a professional before you proceed with the application.