Studying the correct degree will broaden your visa possibilities, enable you to obtain a work visa, and boost your chances of obtaining permanent residency. To discuss your options, schedule a consultation.
The 485 visa (Post Study Work Stream) is a 24-month visa accessible to international students who have completed two academic years or more of study in Australia. If you study in a regional area, you may be entitled to an additional one or two years.
Obtain a skills evaluation from the appropriate skills evaluating authority. Your education and, in some situations, employment experience must meet the requirements of the assessing authority. It is critical that the university or course you choose to further your studies in Australia result in a favorable skills evaluation.
You may be eligible for the TSS 482 visa, 491 Regional Skilled visa, 494 Employer-Sponsored Regional visa, and other Skilled visas if you receive a favorable skills evaluation (189 and 190 visas).
What is the most effective approach to gaining PR in Australia? You have three options for obtaining a Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia: Skilled Migration, Employer Nomination Program, or State Nomination. There are various PR courses recommended for overseas students to study in Australia in sectors such as trade, IT, nursing, and others that you can study to seek a post-study job in the country and obtain PR. However, not all courses in Australia offer better PR prospects, so if you want to apply for permanent residency, you must be careful when choosing your degree.
International students who have completed a course that is related to occupations that are in demand have a well chance of getting an Australian PR visa in 2021.
Australian migration is a very complex process so it is always advised to consult with a professional before you proceed with the application.