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There are various changes to the Australian Migration program starting on July 1, 2022. This fiscal year brings about various reforms concentrating on economic recovery and addressing skilled labor shortages throughout numerous industries as Australia transitions to the post-Covid19 period.

TSS visa holders whose jobs are on the short-term list.
For TSS visa holders whose jobs are on the list of short-term skills professions before July 1, 2022, there is no access. The Temporary Residence Transition stream for ENS visa subclass 186, however, provides skilled workers with additional routes to permanent residency beginning of July 1. Employers will therefore be permitted to sponsor workers with short-term subclass 482 TSS visas who are employed in two-year jobs for permanent residence under the 186 visa if the worker:

  • between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021, spends at least 12 months in Australia
  • satisfies the requirements for the general 186 visa under the 186 temporary transition stream
  • is employed by a sponsor employer while holding a 482 visa
  • spends at least 3 years working for that employer.

This new route is intended to reward visa holders who stayed in Australia throughout the epidemic and helped the economy as well as to help as many competent workers as possible into the labour force.

Beginning on July 1, 2022, this new route will be open for two years.

Extended grandfathering provision for 457 visa holders; age exemption
Grandfathering arrangements extended: According to a government announcement, the grandfathering arrangements for 457 visa holders who had or had filed for a subclass 457 visa as of April 18, 2017, have been extended.

It was planned for the initial grandfathering agreement to expire in March 2021. To provide 457 visa holders access to permanent residence even if they do not fulfil the age limit, the government announced this extension.

These interim measures apply to the “protected visa cohort,” which is characterized as including:

  • had a subclass 457 visa on April 18, 2017
  • or had submitted a subclass 457 visa application on or before April 18, 2017, which was subsequently approved.

To be eligible for these discounts, the visa holder does not have to continue be in possession of the same subclass 457 visa. Additionally, they are permitted to possess a future subclass 482 visa (TSS visa), subclass 457 visa, or comparable bridging visa.

From July 1, 2022, this adjustment will only be used for a period of two years.

Temporary Graduate Visa Replacement Stream SC 485
The purpose of this stream is to help SC 485 visa holders who were unable to remain in Australia for the whole duration of their prior visa owing to the Covid19 limitation. In order to qualify, the visa holder must:

  • possess, or to have previously had, a temporary graduate visa SC 485 that expired on or after February 1, 2020
  • to have travelled abroad between February 1, 2020, and December 15, 2021.

Only people with the original 485 visa are eligible for the replacement 485 visa, which must be submitted before 1 January 2027. (second 485 visa is not eligible).

For the time being, the Nominated Occupation and Skills Assessment are not necessary for the Subclass 485 – Graduate Work Stream.
Applications for visa subclass 485 under the Graduate Work Stream are no longer necessary to propose an occupation on the Medium-Long Term list and to have a favorable skills evaluation under this new structure. This innovative agreement allows thousands of students to remain and make a contribution to the labor market with their skills acquired in Australia.

Applications submitted between 01 July 2022 and 30 June 2023 are covered by this (inclusive). A further statement will be made close to this end day and the Minister may decide to prolong this time frame.

Work Visa for Travelers
The Australian government has boosted the WHV quotation by 30% over the previous fiscal year as part of an effort to address the skilled labour shortage. As a result, more employees from nations that qualify are invited to apply for this program and come to Australia to work and visit. The industries that depend heavily on foreign labour will reap the greatest benefits from this.

For nationals of Italy and Denmark, the age restriction will rise from 30 to 35.
More alterations to WHV

  • Changes To Working Holiday Maker Visas Affected By Covid-19 Visa Application Fees
  • Changes To Working Holiday Maker Visas To Help With Covid-19 Tourism And Trade Recovery

The Visa Application Charge will rise by 3% beginning on July 1, 2022, in accordance with the CPI increase. Rounding up the increases to the nearest $5 will be done.

Increased Fair Work High Income Threshold
The Fair Work High Income Threshold will rise from $158,500 to $162,000 during the next year. This might have an impact on an applicant’s eligibility for the Global Talent Independent program as well as for the age exemption for some skilled visas.

Paying for Australian citizenship
Fees for Australian Citizenship applications must be paid in Australian dollars starting on July 1, 2022, and they cannot be paid in foreign currencies.

Change to the Trade Recognition Australia skills exam for the Job Ready Program
The Job Ready Program (JRP) will reduce from a four (4) step program to a three (3) step program as of July 1, 2022.

There will only be three contacts made with the new Job Ready Program candidates. New applications will be accepted starting on July 1, 2022, by selecting the JRP Program Registration and Eligibility option.

Australian migration is a very complex process so it is always advised to consult with a professional before you proceed with the application.

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